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Molecular Visualization Using Color Schemes

Color by secondary structure

Color by plddt

Color molecules by their atomic chemical elements

  • By Element: Colors atoms by standard conventions. C: gray, O: red, N: blue, H: white, S: yellow, ...

Color proteins by their secondary structure

  • Secondary Structure: Colors according to helices, sheets, turns, and other.

Color Molecules by Residue Name

  • Residue name: Colors reach residue name a different color.

Color Molecules by b-Factor Values

  • b-Factor: Uses a gradient based on the b-factor column

Color Molecules by pLDDT Score

  • pLDDT: Very low: orange, Low: yellow, High: cyan, Very high: blue. Assumes b-factor column is pLDDT values.

  • By Name: Red, blue, peach, moonlight green, ...

  • Custom: #78FF00, #0078FF, ...