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Visualizing Specific Molecular Parts

Visualize Molecules by Structural Type

  • Secondary Structure: Helix, sheet, turn (not helix and not sheet), all, sidechain, backbone, polymer

Visualize Molecules by Residue Type

  • Residue type: nucleophilic, hydrophobic, aromatic, amid, acidic, basic, charged, polar, nonpolar, cyclic, aliphatic, small

Visualize Molecules by Residue Name

  • Residue name: Alanine or ala or A, arginine or arg or R, ...

Visualize Molecules by Chain Name

  • Chain name: A, B, C, ...

Visualize Based on Molecule Type

  • Molecule type: protein, nucleic, dna, rna, hetero, ligand, ion, saccharide/sugar, polymer, water

Visualize Molecules by Atom Type

  • Atoms/Elements: carbon or .C, c alpha or .CA, oxygen or .O, nitrogen or .N, hydrogen, ...

Visualize Molecules by Residue Number

  • Residue numbers:: 1, 2, 100 or 300-500, ...

Visualize Molecules by Model Number

  • Model number: 0, 1, 2, ... (for NMR structures)