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4 docs tagged with "search"

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FoldSeek: Structure-based Lookup

Some types of search, such as by sequence or structure similarity, require specialized tools. Foldseek is a protein structure similarity lookup algorithm.

Integrated Search: A Comprehensive Overview

Many public databases are available with information on proteins, small molecules, RNA, cells, and more. Many datasets are aggregates of other datasets and therefore overlap between databases can be high. While some datasets are extensively curated by hand, most are automated and therefore redundancy within a dataset can also be high.

PubChem Small Molecules

Many public databases are available with information on proteins, small molecules, RNA, cells, and more. Many datasets are aggregates of other datasets and therefore overlap between databases can be high. While some datasets are extensively curated by hand, most are automated and therefore redundancy within a dataset can also be high.

UniProt PDB

Many public databases are available with information on proteins, small molecules, RNA, cells, and more. Many datasets are aggregates of other datasets and therefore overlap between databases can be high. While some datasets are extensively curated by hand, most are automated and therefore redundancy within a dataset can also be high.