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3 docs tagged with "folding"

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AlphaFold3 for RNA Folding

AlphaFold3 (aka AF3) is a newer version of AF2 using diffusion for predicting the 3D structure of proteins + nucleic acids + small molecules + post-translational modification. It is capable of multi-chains and therefore is also a cofolding or docking method.

Protein and Nucleic Acid Folding: A Comprehensive Overview

Folding is the problem of taking a sequence (string) and predicting the structure (3D coordinates). Also called structure prediction, folding usually applies to proteins, but RNA folding is also studied. Protein structures are useful for understand how a protein functions and providing a starting point for making changes to improve the function. Because experimental structure determination using cryo-EM or crystallography are slow, expensive, and sometimes impossible, computational structure prediction can be very valuble.